Hesch Institute Manual Therapy Mission & Goals
Continually develop new training programs to increase the number of practitioners with Hesch Method skills, and the number of practitioners fully competent and certified in the Advanced head-to-toe Hesch Method.
Increase awareness within the health care community about the existence and potentials of Hesch Method, so that patient access is increased through appropriate referral.
Increase public awareness about the existence and potentials of Hesch Method, so that patients may self-advocate in seeking Hesch Method care when appropriate.
We will be continually updating educational offerings to meet these goals. Current educational opportunities are as follows:
- We offer the Basic and Intermediate, Advance and Whole Body Home Distance Learning Courses.
- Jerry Hesch is available to lecture or present nationally and internationally at Conferences in the Physical Therapy field or Interdisciplinary fields.
- There is an extensive library of professional writings, published papers, and videos on this site which will allow practitioners to familiarize themselves with Hesch Method. Please browse all categories under Research and Publication
- This website provides public information about Hesch Method. Most members of the public will benefit from browsing our video's on YouTube and Patients FAQ's. More informed patient self-advocates may also benefit from browsing the entire Research and Publication section to read the professional literature.
Continually develop new training programs to increase the number of practitioners with Hesch Method skills, and the number of practitioners fully competent and certified in the Advanced head-to-toe Hesch Method.
Increase awareness within the health care community about the existence and potentials of Hesch Method, so that patient access is increased through appropriate referral.
Increase public awareness about the existence and potentials of Hesch Method, so that patients may self-advocate in seeking Hesch Method care when appropriate.
We will be continually updating educational offerings to meet these goals. Current educational opportunities are as follows:
- We offer the Basic and Intermediate, Advance and Whole Body Home Distance Learning Courses.
- Jerry Hesch is available to lecture or present nationally and internationally at Conferences in the Physical Therapy field or Interdisciplinary fields.
- There is an extensive library of professional writings, published papers, and videos on this site which will allow practitioners to familiarize themselves with Hesch Method. Please browse all categories under Research and Publication
- This website provides public information about Hesch Method. Most members of the public will benefit from browsing our video's on YouTube and Patients FAQ's. More informed patient self-advocates may also benefit from browsing the entire Research and Publication section to read the professional literature.