Hesch Method of Manual Therapy
What is The Hesch Method?The Hesch Method of Manual Therapy is an evidence based treatment program which is a innovative, effective treatment to restore normative whole-body joint function, developed by Dr. Jerry Hesch, MHS, PT, DPT. Treatment is available in Denver area (Aurora, CO, USA) (30 miles from the Denver International Airport). Education for clinicians is provided via workshops and home study / AKA Distance Learning.
Dr. Hesch is active in presenting at conferences and publishing which is listed in several locations of this site. Hesch Method is brief treatment, which focuses on accomplishing goals over a short period of time, generally three visits. Joint dysfunction such as the types that require repeat treatment, repeat adjustment or manipulation can often be resolved or significantly improved within this time frame. For any recurring dysfunction, the client is taught self correction, thereby limiting client dependency on practitioners and reducing economic burden. Patients who are not having success in resolving musculoskeletal and nerve pain through traditional methods, are encouraged to explore this website, view Hesch Method assessment videos on the Hesch Institute YouTube channel, and consider visiting our clinic in Aurora, Colorado to experience a distinctly different approach to treating injuries and chronic pain. We offer Continuing Education Seminars and Home Study Learning Programs to teach Hesch Method techniques. Practitioners are encouraged to browse this website and visit the Hesch Institute YouTube channel, to find out more about the Hesch Method body of work. Our current programs focus on the lumbopelvic-hip complex, sacroiliac, and symphysis pubis, and a workshop and distance learning / home study that encompasses common patterns throughout the rest of the body. While Manual Therapy is a subset of Physical Therapy, Hesch educational materials are suitable to teach palpatory literacy skills and gentle restoration of joint and dense connective tissue and soft tissue function through reflexes and gentle sustained forces as opposed to a quick adjustment. This approach is within the scope of practice of PT's, PTA's, Chiropractors, Physicians, PA's, NP's, and Massage Therapists. |
How is the Hesch Method different?Whole body is not just a phrase. We literally test every major joint - head to toe.