Massage Therapists Seminar and Treatment Feedback
I took the Hesch Institute course in Atlanta last weekend. While acting as a model in the class Jerry determined that I had a Second Most Common pattern. End of demo. At lunch he approached me asking if he could treat me because he felt my pattern was very ingrained. He asked about the injury and I revealed that in a fall in 1987 I had landed on my sacrum and right hip, fracturing L4. The fracture was revealed years later by x-ray. I deal with low back and left hip pain on a continual basis. I never mentioned severe headaches or neck and right shoulder pain from a wreck in 1978, feeling it was not what was being dealt with in the seminar. Jerry reevaluated the pelvis, which he had found solidly locked in class, then went immediately to my cervical area. He assessed the OA, cervical spine, shoulder girdle complex, upper thoracics (first ribs) and determined that my injury was one in one hundred - a rare hyperflexion injury at OA (occipito-atlantal uppermost cervical joint) and that it, not the pelvis, was primary. He treated my OA and never treated the pelvic issues. He also released a bilateral restriction at the first rib using a technique he developed that distracts it and tractions it laterally. He explained that the traditional first rib and scalene release would not have worked with this medially compressed restriction. He retested the sacral pattern that showed originally. It no longer existed. I got up and reported feeling "loopy". My body was disoriented. My cervical and shoulder motion was much improved and I felt so much more at ease. We were in class immediately after so here is what I have noticed since the treatment: My low back pain is different and significantly decreased. My constant left hip pain is decreased from a consistent 8 to about 3. When I walk I can feel my pelvis move! Static standing is more tolerable and I did not fidget in the car seat on the 90-minute drive home. Again, this was accomplished through treating the cervical and upper thoracic regions only. The severity of headaches is decreased. I am working on the corrective exercises Jerry suggested. Needless to say, I am quite happy with the personal benefit gained in the Hesch Institute class for pelvis, SI, hip and spine!
As a licensed massage therapist I have been looking for a method to address SI and pelvic dysfunction that is not only effective but kind to my aging joints as well. I have found that in the Hesch Method. Yes, there is a learning curve and I'll have to figure out how to integrate it into a very busy schedule. I'll just start with one or two regular clients with a need who are open to something different and progress from there. I believe as word spreads this is something that people will seek because it works. So MT's, don't be intimidated by a class full of PTs taught by a PT. This work is entirely within the scope of our practice and approved by NCBTMB. If you have any interest in structural work, go for it!
Thank you, Jerry. Please keep teaching!
Debbie Menard, PTA, LMT
At Ease Therapeutic Massage, Inc.
After graduation from massage school I wanted to study with the best. Orthopedic Massage with James Waskaski and then with Eric Dalton. I learned about Jerry Hesch and the Hesch Method from Dalton and studied Jerry's work intensely and took two classes after repeated views of his DVD set. Jerry's approach to low back pain is brilliant. His home care program reduced my back pain from a fractured lumbar dramatically. Five minutes a day for five days and my stomach issues and low back pain went away. Now I can exercise without the guarantee of re-injury. I recommend Jerry's classes to any massage therapist who has received training from Eric Dalton. This course will extend the career of any therapist and increase your income with your ability to treat LBP and SI joint dysfunction and your clients will be very happy with the simple yet revolutionary home care in only minutes a day".
- Jonathan George - Skeletal Considerations in Manual Therapy Facebook Page Administrator
As a licensed massage therapist I have been looking for a method to address SI and pelvic dysfunction that is not only effective but kind to my aging joints as well. I have found that in the Hesch Method. Yes, there is a learning curve and I'll have to figure out how to integrate it into a very busy schedule. I'll just start with one or two regular clients with a need who are open to something different and progress from there. I believe as word spreads this is something that people will seek because it works. So MT's, don't be intimidated by a class full of PTs taught by a PT. This work is entirely within the scope of our practice and approved by NCBTMB. If you have any interest in structural work, go for it!
Thank you, Jerry. Please keep teaching!
Debbie Menard, PTA, LMT
At Ease Therapeutic Massage, Inc.
After graduation from massage school I wanted to study with the best. Orthopedic Massage with James Waskaski and then with Eric Dalton. I learned about Jerry Hesch and the Hesch Method from Dalton and studied Jerry's work intensely and took two classes after repeated views of his DVD set. Jerry's approach to low back pain is brilliant. His home care program reduced my back pain from a fractured lumbar dramatically. Five minutes a day for five days and my stomach issues and low back pain went away. Now I can exercise without the guarantee of re-injury. I recommend Jerry's classes to any massage therapist who has received training from Eric Dalton. This course will extend the career of any therapist and increase your income with your ability to treat LBP and SI joint dysfunction and your clients will be very happy with the simple yet revolutionary home care in only minutes a day".
- Jonathan George - Skeletal Considerations in Manual Therapy Facebook Page Administrator
Jerry's approach to the sacroiliac is very logical and thorough. I arranged to have him present at the 1995 AMTA National Conference. I highly recommend his workshop and his hands-on treatment.
- Debra Brooks, PhD, CNMT, LMT - CEO of the Iowa NeuroMuscular Therapy Center
Past President AMTA
- Debra Brooks, PhD, CNMT, LMT - CEO of the Iowa NeuroMuscular Therapy Center
Past President AMTA
I took the basic and intermediate distant learning class in December 2011. I was so impressed with the work and how accessible Mr. Hesch was during that period that my wife took that physical class in February of 2012. I have taken a ton of manual therapy courses, this class has completely changed the way I work. The assessment technique "springing with intention" is very unique and has allowed me to develop new techniques that I never found. The patterns Mr. Hesch has uncovered were always there right under my hands. I believe of all of my instructors Jerry Hesch has made the greatest impact on my work. He's a brilliant guy, a great instructor and one of the funniest and most interesting people I know to hang out with. Please take his class, you will not regret it.
- Chris Crawford CMT, LMT - Capstone Method
- Chris Crawford CMT, LMT - Capstone Method
Hi Jerry, I wanted to thank you again for the seminar this past weekend. It was a relaxed and friendly atmosphere that made learning the Hesch Method fun and easy. After struggling for years trying to understand, incorporate and then assess the results from the long list of recommended pelvic tests, your method is a welcome and effective change that I have been able to incorporate into my practice right away. Keep up the great work that you do.
- John Manning LMT, CPT, CKTP - Message Therapist NY
- John Manning LMT, CPT, CKTP - Message Therapist NY
I brought Jerry to Vancouver last fall to teach the Hesch Method. During the course of the weekend workshop, Jerry used gentle "Hesch Method" mobilization to completely restore supination to my left wrist. I don't mean to draw attention away from the topic of posterior sacrum. I do mean to draw attention towards Jerry's very effective assessment and treatment technique. Astounding!
- Wendy Rigby - Massage Therapist
- Wendy Rigby - Massage Therapist
I really enjoyed the class two weekends ago. I have been using the principles and techniques with clients and am seeing the benefits. Before the class I had watched your YouTube videos (some several times) and incorporated much of the material into my practice. The notion of evaluating micro-motion of the pelvis with passive joint forces is very useful. I have also worked my way through most of the Whole Body DVD. I find the rib topics to be very helpful.
Don Miller, MA LMT, CES - Don MillerMassage
Don Miller, MA LMT, CES - Don MillerMassage
Jerry, As a distant learner going through the course, I've come to appreciate your style of teaching and your personal availability to your students. You took the time to answer my questions by email or phone, always making sure I understood the answer. When I first bought the Eric Dalton DVD's, I had no idea that would lead me to getting certified in the Hesch Method. It was your chapter on sacral torsion that changed my direction, actually your chapter is the only one in the whole book that left me wanting more.
Thank you for your time and the Hesch Method course. You can bet I will be coming to Vegas for a one-on-one with you in the not too distant future.
- Diane Jewell
Thank you for your time and the Hesch Method course. You can bet I will be coming to Vegas for a one-on-one with you in the not too distant future.
- Diane Jewell
I hope what Jerry teaches in Vegas, doesn't stay in Vegas!
Windy Rigby - Massage Therapist
Windy Rigby - Massage Therapist
The Method works. It's changed my practice permanently and all it took was a two day seminar. You really filled in the blanks for me. It was exactly what i was looking for. As an LMT, we focus almost entirely on releasing muscles and I soon learned this wasn't enough to release some pain inducing patterns. Some commonly found patterns were stuck and some released and came right back despite my "college try". After 12 years of practice, I consider myself to be a good therapist with good palpatory awareness and a problem solving mind that forces me to research and applies the findings clinically. Until I took your class, my basic and advanced understanding of joint and ligament dysfunction came primarily from Dalton's Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques. Although I gained confidence and skill with putting my hands on dysfunction and addressing it throughout the pelvic area, there were still a few clients with very complicated dysfunction that I could only bring so far. Referring out wasn't an option because these people had already seen all sorts of medical specialists. Besides, I could feel something "off" and knew it was presenting something for me to find. Specifically when it came to hip abduction and extension, gluteus maximus, medius and minimus weakness constantly returning. In the past two weeks, I have treated such a case where I had already seen a client for 18 sessions. Since The Hesch Method seminar, the constant (years) internal pulling the client felt stopped and the reflexive adductor and glute medius, minimus contractions that normally resume days after our intense sessions also abated. Previously I knew that something I didn't know how to screen or treat was going on but I didn't know what. Neither did the doctors or others he saw for relief. I tested for ascending/ descending patterns and looked at the feet to the occiput over and over releasing the compensatory patterns all the while missing the "Key lesion". Your contribution to simplifying the Pelvic-SI dysfunction mystery by mapping a palpable pattern got rid of the guess work. Thanks for sharing across disciplines. Everyone who addresses musculoskeletal dysfunction should be using your spring assessments from DO's to PT's to LMT's and anyone who considers themselves Bodyworkers or Manual Therapists. Recalcitrant pelvic dysfunction be gone. It works. Period.
Kiambu Dickerson LMT
New York Orthopedic Massage
Kiambu Dickerson commented on his post in Hesch Scholars.
Jerry, Hundreds of clients of mine are glad I studied your method. Realistically, probably more like 100+ new clients in the past 2 yrs have benefited from your lumbopelvic work.
Saw a woman today with 15 years of SI dysfunction... WOW. right upper sacral torsion turned into Anterior upslip turned into oblique downslip, to others (l5 dysfunction and everything in MCP) and finally posterior glide of left ilium... Crazy. I'm gonna see her Monday. She bought a table so her PT could come see her regularly and has been for some yrs now to no resolution. Some people are so desperate for relief that they will take ten min or ten percent relief. It hurts my heart. Jerry Hesch- you are the man!!!
(The myth the method)
So glad I met you (and hundreds of others...).
Kiambu Dickerson LMT
New York Orthopedic Massage
From an email Kiambu shared, sent to Erik Dalton of the Freedom From Pain Institute
Erik's web site:
Erik, I recommend you follow up with Jerry Hesch. Besides being a great guy- he's a straight shooter and he understands reflexogenic inhibition and hyper facilitation better than anyone I have researched. Its like he has a treasure map! He's a mechanoreceptor mechanic. He's been resetting mechanoreceptors for 30 years now. I get it now. For all those questions that my reasoning and research couldn't solve he filled in the blanks.
Kiambu Dickerson LMT
New York Orthopedic Massage
Read my blog about the Hesch Method here:
and here:
Kiambu Dickerson, LMT, New York, NY
Kiambu Dickerson LMT
New York Orthopedic Massage
Kiambu Dickerson commented on his post in Hesch Scholars.
Jerry, Hundreds of clients of mine are glad I studied your method. Realistically, probably more like 100+ new clients in the past 2 yrs have benefited from your lumbopelvic work.
Saw a woman today with 15 years of SI dysfunction... WOW. right upper sacral torsion turned into Anterior upslip turned into oblique downslip, to others (l5 dysfunction and everything in MCP) and finally posterior glide of left ilium... Crazy. I'm gonna see her Monday. She bought a table so her PT could come see her regularly and has been for some yrs now to no resolution. Some people are so desperate for relief that they will take ten min or ten percent relief. It hurts my heart. Jerry Hesch- you are the man!!!
(The myth the method)
So glad I met you (and hundreds of others...).
Kiambu Dickerson LMT
New York Orthopedic Massage
From an email Kiambu shared, sent to Erik Dalton of the Freedom From Pain Institute
Erik's web site:
Erik, I recommend you follow up with Jerry Hesch. Besides being a great guy- he's a straight shooter and he understands reflexogenic inhibition and hyper facilitation better than anyone I have researched. Its like he has a treasure map! He's a mechanoreceptor mechanic. He's been resetting mechanoreceptors for 30 years now. I get it now. For all those questions that my reasoning and research couldn't solve he filled in the blanks.
Kiambu Dickerson LMT
New York Orthopedic Massage
Read my blog about the Hesch Method here:
and here:
Kiambu Dickerson, LMT, New York, NY