Evidence Based Treatment for the Whole Body Gentle Effective Manual Therapy
Featuring Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT
Professional PT
Penn Plaza NY - 127 W 30th St.
New York, NY 10001
August 26, 2023 - August 27, 2023
7:30 AM - 5:00PM ET
Featuring Jerry Hesch, DPT, MHS, PT
Professional PT
Penn Plaza NY - 127 W 30th St.
New York, NY 10001
August 26, 2023 - August 27, 2023
7:30 AM - 5:00PM ET
Traditionally, joint dysfunction, and dense connective tissue restrictions have been evaluated from the perspective of addressing a patient’s primary complaint, that of a symptom-producing dysfunction. If not symptomatic, major joints are typically not evaluated beyond posture and gross motion. Yet recent works have brought forth the concept of regional dependence. For example, the role of thoracic mobilization for the treatment of primary neck pain and motion restriction has lent support to that concept. In a much larger context, the entire body is in fact an integrated whole.
This work uses the term interregional interdependence to describe how segments that are very distal from each other can be interlinked. For example, treating the subtalar joint can have reflexogenic effects on the C1 spinal segment, a common site of rotational compensation. In essence, for every rotation (or flexion, extension, side bent segment, AP/PA glide, L/R side-glide) that is maintained, such as occurs with chronic injury, there is a distal counter-movement fixation. At times, the distal segment becomes symptomatic while the proximal remains relatively silent. Treating the distal can frustrate, whereas identifying the proximal foundational dysfunction can be very rewarding.
This approach to evaluation and treatment uses a whole-body perspective, and quickly screens all related articulations in a variety of contexts, including relevant symptomatic and asymptomatic segments, with the end goal being to efficiently “connect the dots”, and provide effective care. Treatment for chronic restrictions utilizes fundamental properties of connective tissue, effectively yielding to small sustained forces, providing long-term benefit and lasting patient-satisfaction.
Who should attend? Physical Therapist, Physical Therapists Assistants, Athletic Trainers, Students
This work uses the term interregional interdependence to describe how segments that are very distal from each other can be interlinked. For example, treating the subtalar joint can have reflexogenic effects on the C1 spinal segment, a common site of rotational compensation. In essence, for every rotation (or flexion, extension, side bent segment, AP/PA glide, L/R side-glide) that is maintained, such as occurs with chronic injury, there is a distal counter-movement fixation. At times, the distal segment becomes symptomatic while the proximal remains relatively silent. Treating the distal can frustrate, whereas identifying the proximal foundational dysfunction can be very rewarding.
This approach to evaluation and treatment uses a whole-body perspective, and quickly screens all related articulations in a variety of contexts, including relevant symptomatic and asymptomatic segments, with the end goal being to efficiently “connect the dots”, and provide effective care. Treatment for chronic restrictions utilizes fundamental properties of connective tissue, effectively yielding to small sustained forces, providing long-term benefit and lasting patient-satisfaction.
Who should attend? Physical Therapist, Physical Therapists Assistants, Athletic Trainers, Students
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