Spermatic Cord Mobilization Treatment
This an email letter I received today. I am eliminating reference to specific names and organizations. I will elaborate later on, and describe the technique in detail. Hi Linda, Deena might also have described the technique which I taught her and inserviced with her at CSM. However capture of the shaft as you describe is additive to the technique I described. I look foward to her feedback as she had a client waitiing in the wings. Ramona has a wealth of experience teaching/assisting with ____________________________. So I conclude that if she also describes the techniques which I do, then I should graciously rescind "ownership". Otherwise there may be several different techniques. Elaboration is easiest via spoken word. Please feel free to call me at 702-558-6011 Pacific Time 9:00am-7:00pm. Some indications would be sub acute or chronic pain in the distribution of aforementioned nerves and structures, enhanced pain with traction or scour test within canal (which I did develop): NEW INGUINAL NEUROPATHY TEST The tricky thing being that the plexus also contributes to innervation of part of the "testicle"/vas and I suspect that chronic trauma to plexus may be a bugger to treat. I hope this is helpful. It might be of some value to post this, on the site, what are your thouhts? Best Regards Jery Hesch
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda________
To: mhs jerry hesch
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:16 AM
Subject: mobilize spermatic cord HI Jerry,
I met Ramona, from _________, at CSM in Vegas. She discussed a technique, as well as Deena ___________ about entering through the scrotum and going along side the penis shaft to mobilize the spermatic cord.
Any instruction you have would be appreciated, as well as evaluation indications.
thank you,
Elizabeth, Not ready made, but this cushion has zippered cover. So the foam can be cut, I use an electric kitchen knife. The Mulligan seating solution from OPTP. Does he wear a support to elevate during the day? Not knowing details, but if gliding the spermatic cord along with the ilioinguinal nerve, genitofemoral, =/- iliohypoastric superiorly and laterally to reduce tension seems promising. I can describe a technique I claim credit for (have not encountered elsewhere-though it might not be novel). These structures seem most vulnerable as they enter and exit the inguinal canal, the latter seems to be a greater angle, a more firm connective tissue (????) being the larger inuinal ring. It is late, Regards jerry hesch
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda________
To: mhs jerry hesch
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:16 AM
Subject: mobilize spermatic cord HI Jerry,
I met Ramona, from _________, at CSM in Vegas. She discussed a technique, as well as Deena ___________ about entering through the scrotum and going along side the penis shaft to mobilize the spermatic cord.
Any instruction you have would be appreciated, as well as evaluation indications.
thank you,
Elizabeth, Not ready made, but this cushion has zippered cover. So the foam can be cut, I use an electric kitchen knife. The Mulligan seating solution from OPTP. Does he wear a support to elevate during the day? Not knowing details, but if gliding the spermatic cord along with the ilioinguinal nerve, genitofemoral, =/- iliohypoastric superiorly and laterally to reduce tension seems promising. I can describe a technique I claim credit for (have not encountered elsewhere-though it might not be novel). These structures seem most vulnerable as they enter and exit the inguinal canal, the latter seems to be a greater angle, a more firm connective tissue (????) being the larger inuinal ring. It is late, Regards jerry hesch