The surgeon, Dr. Kenneth………. , completely feels that my problem is my disc is basically very "worn out" were his words. He was very surprised that not a single surgeon mentioned it could be a pain generator for almost year of seeing doctors. When he injected, he completely reproduced my achy type of pain to a T. I had some IV meds as they were doing it but I was fully aware and having a conversation along with still feeling plenty of pain so I know what I felt. It gave me validation that you were right.
Anyway, we discussed surgical options. So overall it was a good appointment with a lot of good information. My question for you is, …….
Again, you were right!
Thank you,
Jerry's reflection: Her pain presentation was very straight-forward yet appropriate diagnosis has been very evasive. Her pain is disabling, she cannot work, she has young children, why? I wish i knew.