Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 8:49 AM
To: Jerry Hesch
Subject: New message from
8:34am Jan 18
Dear Jerry
I just wanted to say that I'm glad you're starting to speak up about your thoughts on SI surgery. I get stuck thinking in circles that I don't feel that it's appropriate for most people, even those who have exhausted their medical options, but where I get stuck is WHY it's not and HOW do we know when it's not? It's alarming to me the rate of surgeries that are happening, being patient-driven requests, and the variable outcomes. I wonder if the sample in the group is skewed, and not an accurate representation of true outcomes (how many more are doing great that we don't know about?). I have all this stuff floating around in my head -- concerns for those with upcoming surgeries and hope that they don't end up worse off, because I'm afraid they will, but I feel like me saying anything would be highly hypocritical, since I am a surgery success story.
Dear ___________,
Very insightful commentary. We should chat sometime if your busy schedule allows. I am deeply concerned about what I observe but the sad thing, mal informed patients make their choice and THEY live with the consequence. No, you are not being hypocritical. This would be a very appropriate post for you to put up, that is your perfect right and it carries much more power because 1. you are a knowledgeable clinician and 2. You are a successful Lumbar fusion with the cages and pedicle screws, though the topic is of course; sacroiliac fusions. Keep up the good work, I look forward to chatting if you have time.
I appreciate your private messages, apologize if I failed to reply to one-I cannot recall !