The Method works. It's changed my practice permanently and all it took was a two day seminar. You really filled in the blanks for me. It was exactly what i was looking for. As an LMT, we focus almost entirely on releasing muscles and I soon learned this wasn't enough to release some pain inducing patterns. Some commonly found patterns were just too stuck and some released and came right back dispite my "college try". After 12 years of practice, I consider myself to be a good therapist with good palpatory awareness and a problem solving mind that forces me to research and applies the findings clinically. Until I took your class, my basic and advanced understanding of joint and ligament dysfunction came primarily from Dalton's Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques. Although I gained confidence with putting my hands on dysfunction and addressing it throughout the pelvic area, there were still a few clients that I could only bring so far. Referring out wasn't an option because these people had already seen all sorts of medical specialists. Besides, I could feel something "off" and knew it was presenting something for me to find. Specifically when it came to hip abduction and extension, gluteus maximus,medius and minimus weakness were constantly returning. In the past two weeks, I have treated such cases and one where I had already seen a client for 18 sessions. Since The Hesch Method seminar, the constant (years) internal pulling the client felt stopped and the reflexive adductor and glute medius, minimus contractions that normally resume days after our intense sessions also abated. I knew that something I didn't know how to screen or treat was going on but I didn't know what. Neither did the doctors or others he saw for relief. I tested for ascending/ descending patterns and looked at the feet to the occiput over and over releasing the compensatory patterns all the while missing the "Key lesion". Your contribution to simplifying the Pelvic-SI dysfunction mystery by mapping a palpable pattern got rid of the guess work. Thanks for sharing across disciplines. Everyone who addresses musculoskeletal dysfunction should be using your spring assessments from DO's to PT's to LMT's and anyone who considers themselves Bodyworkers or Manual Therapists. Recalcitrant pelvic dysfunction begone. It works. Period.
Kiambu Dickerson LMT
New York
Orthopedic Massage